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3d rendering, Europe - Usa. Photorealistic globe with lots of details.

The World Will Run Out of Water

The 48th annual Earth Day commemorated on April 22nd reminds us that an ongoing supply of clean, safe water is not guaranteed. In fact, this precious commodity is very much at risk. In this issue, learn about global water challenges and what innovators are doing to address them. Statistics from the United Nations: By 2025, 1.8 Billion people worldwide will…


Taming the “Lions” —A Simple Approach to Managing Risk

Make Risk Management part of annual and long term planning Select a cross functional team to: Identify Risks Try “What if” scenario analyses or “War games” sessions Great fun and great for team building Analyze and quantify risks Simple spreadsheet: list, number, describe and quantify the impact of the risk Develop action plans for the most…