The Concept of Circularity

circular economy graphic

Read about exciting initiatives around the globe as visionary leaders work to move us toward a more circular economy The Concept of Circularity Can you envision a global economic system where products are conceptualized and designed for re-use or re-purposing from the onset? That describes a circular economy. It’s all about reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, re-manufacturing…

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National Consumer Protection Week

In comes March – and with it, March Madness, Daylight Savings Time, St. Patrick’s Day and the start of Spring. Within all this excitement humbly lies National Consumer Protection Week. This month, we we focus on the importance of continuous innovation to keep products, and people, safe. Spotlight on Hoffer Plastics: High Speed Lining for Signature Drop-Lok™ Closures…

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Independence Defined: In Celebration of Small Business

The month of July is all about celebrating American independence. As we enjoy food, fireworks and concerts typically brought to us by corporations, let’s also celebrate the small, independent businesses that many experts consider to be the true backbone of the U.S. economy. Small Businesses, Big Impact There are nearly 30 million small businesses in the U.S., compared…

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Taming the “Lions” —A Simple Approach to Managing Risk

Make Risk Management part of annual and long term planning Select a cross functional team to: Identify Risks Try “What if” scenario analyses or “War games” sessions Great fun and great for team building Analyze and quantify risks Simple spreadsheet: list, number, describe and quantify the impact of the risk Develop action plans for the most…

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